Crypto Gateway Deposit System

The crypto gateway deposit system is a system intended for different webshops to easily accept deposits of any crypto currency available.

Any webshop or developer can get listed on this deposit system with their own wallet addresses for any crypto currency.

Developers can provide a direct link to the customers for their shops to pre-select their specific shop in the system.

Once the deposit has been reserved by the system, both the user and the developer/shop owner will recieve and email about the deposit. Again once the deposit has been confirmed on the chain, another email will be sent to confirm the deposit to both developer/shop owner and the customer. Crypto Gateway will NOT handle any money, only confirm that the deposit has been done.

I made this system, as I found it difficult to find a proper plugin for different webshop systems like shopify and woo commerce where all currencies can be accepted by shopowners own choice without it being very costly.

Of course nothing is free. There will be a listing fee of 25$, and for every currency NOT already listed in the system, there will be an additional 5$ fee. It is way cheaper than any other system I have come across.

If you have any questions, don't hessitate to contact me on email: [email protected]

Crypto payments made possible to websites.
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